Great advice, don't cheap out on boots. I still replace my insoles anyway (finding a good insole and running it in every pair of footwear you have seems anal but reduces the effects and curve of the break in period immensely).
A caveat:
I bought some Rothco old-school GI combats and some Jungle boots. Both are good (keep in mind, I added modern insoles), but the GIs impressed the piss out of me. They come raw (as in completely unworked leather), and they have flat soles, but they are some of the best 'boot as a boot' boots I've ever owned. They broke beautifully, and I'm going to go ahead and get them re-soled as well as buying more. They're an archaic design, but for fashion and general wear, holy shit. You have to spend shitloads of money to buy a 'real' boot lile them.