Thread: p90 issues
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Old July 31st, 2014, 11:25   #10
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Location: Alberta
I'd hazard a guess that the pressure of bb's in a full mag is pushing up on the nozzle as it chambers the bb, causing it to drag against the top of the hopup chamber.

If it doesn't slide fully forward of course you'd get a poor seal. So it might just be that the top surface of the chamber has gotten roughed up and has more friction than before. it might also be worse if the shiny new nozzle you put in has the tiniest bit more width or taper to it than the previous one.

You could try a little lube on the surfaces, but only to test the theory, not as a long term fix.

I suppose it could also happen if you switched brand of bb's and they aren't as polished, but I'd try lubing or changing out the hopup chamber first.
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