Hello Matt, and welcome. Airsoft Canada has an age verification system that'll unlock or give access to you once completed. At that time you'll be able to buy and sell on the classifieds, read reviews on guns, gear, and retailers, and get more in depth information on everything airsoft. This system helps protect ASC, the community, and our sport.
How it works:
- Look under the "regional representative" section in the forums to find an age verifier (AV'r) nearest you.
- Send that AV'r a private message (PM) requesting a meeting for age verification. These are volunteers and may be away, busy, dealing with family, etc, so check in with a few if there are more than one near or near-ish your location.
- A verifier will contact you and set up a meeting to go through the quick process. Verifications are "in person only", you must bring your "government issued photo identification", and of course you must be "18 years of age or older".
- The verifier will submit your information through ASC, and usually within two weeks or less you'll be verified.
Until that time we cannot tell you where to buy guns, etc.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...