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Old August 28th, 2014, 19:56   #1901
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Port Elgin, Ontario --&-- London, Ontario
I have installed 2 sets on nova kits and i dont have my hurricane kit on hand or my guarder but I can confirm that for the nova kits and the guarder one and probably also the hurricane kit that those sights require quite a lot of fitting only on the front sight. Rear sight fits perfect and do not remove the metal post on the bottom

The dove tail? Or slot that fits the front sight is over sized a lot and needs to have a few mm taken off to even slide into the slot. The dimensions of the front sight are far different also. The stock sight is not as long, or equal length front n back of sight slot. The guns modify one is shorter toward the rear of the slide and longer at the front resulting in a front sight that hangs PAST the dust cover and over the barrel bushing.

I have successfully fit two of these sight sets by doing filing to the dove tail and also ground off enough the front sight to keep it flush with the front of the gun without compromising the screw that fastens down into the sight and puts pressure on the slide to keep it in place.

It is possible if you are up to the challenge but as soon as you see the sight you will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Here are a few photos that may help ya out.

Last edited by apilar; August 28th, 2014 at 20:12.. Reason: ADD PHOTOS
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