Originally Posted by danhay
May I ask about that Prime grip? Is it sized to fit a smaller hand or does it feel 'normal'?
I ask because I have largish hands and have been drooling over those Prime micro-pocket grips for some time now.
Thanks and cheers - Dan
Dan, the PRIME grip feels like the same size as the regular Tokyo Marui grip on the Hi-Capa. However the feeling of the micro-pocket is just... amazing. Only the type I have a the rough cut micro-pocket (like the real steel). The other micro-pocket ones are really smooth.
Not only do I know how to build a gun, but also restore a gun!

Acquired this Airsoft Surgeon GRP from another member on the forum.
As you can tell it's pretty beat up, some might say its even "f%$ked"!
Here are some before and after shots of a quick wet-sand and 2 stage hand-polish I've done.
Used a dremel tool on cotton pad to lightly buff out the real hard to get spots. Most pieces are 100% back to mirror like finish and corrected.