nade really a show toy and adds extra weight. I don't recommend that..It really puts a strain on your back when playing on the field.
G&G is a good brand, I didn't even see cm18 on gorilla's website hmm..I remember last time I visited the store they were pretty over priced on quite a few guns..I don't know if they are like that now. Acog is good, helps locate targets, but sorta expensive. Buy your other stuff before putting into gun accessories.
I don't know if CM16 and CM18 even have much difference. Both polymer body, ver. 2 gear box, just the looks is a bit different.
I bought my Turnigy Nanotech for $10 each, and 35 for the imax charger..although it's with 20 bucks shipping ( I also ordered lipo safe bag, lipo checker, charging cables because imax doesn't come with the connector that charges airsoft batteries.) Most likely you will need all that as well, because it's mostly for safety reasons.
Be extra careful with battery chargers, some are bad, and can cause problems. Personally I like the Imax b6ac, just make sure if you are to get one of those, get the legit one..It's not more expensive than the fake ones out there.
so far, did you think of your vest? pouches? what you are going to wear? You will need double or triple double stack pouches for 5 mags, and it's pretty bulky. Well, the most important is probably a pair of boots (i use hiking boots), good goggles, and a lower mask. Helmet is probably preferred but I use a hat anyway, although it does leave a bit of my forehead exposed. Also I banged my head on a wooden frame last game cause it was a downhill couldn't stop myself from running into it, so helmet is probably the best choice. Those Protac goggles seems alright, I was going to get them but I found another pair that I like. I saw the video where that guy shot that Protac and it's fine.
For myself I went a bit over and went 800bucks on my stuff, although that was because I saw a pistol I wanted and went for it. Pistols are great at room clearing, as I have an AK so it's a bit hard to go into buildings with.