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Old October 23rd, 2014, 19:50   #1
Join Date: Feb 2014
Converting an SD6 to A5? (+ swordfish)

Hello !

I'm currently looking into modding my G&G MP5 SD6 with a more practical handguard, like the A5's RIS. It seems though that the handguard by itself won't fit and I need to change the front end. Is that correct? If so, are there conversion kits made for that?

The long term result also includes installing a swordfish kit on my MP5. In fact that was the initial goal but it seems the SD6 isn't a good fit for that so I'd need to convert its front end beforehand.

If you have suggestions/advices/ideas/etc. on that subject, as well as info on where I could find the necessary part, it would be much appreciated (You can also try to persuade me it's a bad idea ! I'm still new to the MP5...)

Thanks !
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