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Old November 16th, 2014, 13:05   #4
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Location: Midland, Ontario
Originally Posted by c.slages View Post
Well, I suppose I could go with the full length M4 barrel (360 something?), but if the suppressor is going to be a permanent fixture to cover a longer barrel anyway, I figured I might as well fill it. I realize I won't gain any benefit from this, and that the quality of the material/inner barrel and barrel bore are the important parts.
I've run suppressors on a P90 with standard barrels. IMO, given the amount of parts you'd need to change it's probably not worth it unless you're doing it for a specific effect.


OK, I see your point. From what I read the parts on all of these P90s are super interchangeable through manufacturer because they're all pretty much the same. The G&G gearbox from what I've read is supposed to be of better quality, but I suppose I could just shim the existing one super well and see how it works.
The problem is different manufacturers make things to different tolerances, and often they'll make subtle changes to the shells or other parts. When the tolerances are tight you can run into fitment issues.

For example, I got an aftermarket reinforced tappet plate for my G36. It wouldn't fit in my gearbox despite being a V3 tappet plate, because of manufacturing differences between Tokyo Marui's V3 mechbox and Classic Army's V3 mechbox.

Other people have had aftermarket mechbox shells physically not fit into the gun, despite being designed for "that type", because of differences in tolerances or ever-so-slight design changes.

My rule of thumb when upgrading a gun is unless you NEED to change a part (for quality or specific upgrade), DON'T.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."

Last edited by kalnaren; November 16th, 2014 at 13:07..
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