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Old November 17th, 2014, 15:48   #10
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Manitoba
Just telling you my experience, same chrono two weeks later. 10fps average increase over 10 shots and better accuracy. Shim job made her oh so quiet and smooth but as far as fps and accuracy goes the only change that would make a dif was the barrel. I even used the stock hop. Perhaps it had a better seal when I put it back together combined with the tighter bore for the fps. As far as accuracy goes I know there is a debate about tightbore/widebore, yadda, yadda. I've had great success with tightbore. I've put in a tighter barrel, each time longer than stock ,(1 was a 550mm into an aug if I remember correctly, I was surprised it even worked without making other changes) into 3 different guns, all had increase in fps and accuracy. 1 of them had a new piston done at the same time. 1 of them got a new hop rubber with the barrel. And the p90, just the barrel. I'm not sure why a small fps increase and better accuracy is hard to believe with a barrel swap though?
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