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Old November 18th, 2014, 11:45   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
I am telling you, as a matter of proven fact, that the length and bore of a given barrel is inconsequential to immediate range and accuracy provided that you have the air pressure and volume to use them.
I've personally seen 650mm 6.01s, 509mm 6.23s, 247mm 6.04s, 363mm 6.10s, and 130mm 6.08s all able to shoot a person at 240ft accurately. Only difference is the shorter and wider barrels do it with less accuracy loss due to fouling.
The most important and critical factors are the bore smoothness and consistency.
The hop rubber will change your range and accuracy far more than the length or bore (again, given you have a setup that can handle the barrel)

The only reason you might see a difference in the performance when swapping barrels is if your barrel is on the long end of your cylinder, and you swap out for one on the short side, or vice versa.

So if you have a cylinder for a 300-380mm barrel, you'll get better performance with a 300mm barrel than a 380mm barrel.
Reason being, you'll get the same fps with a .20, but a heavier BB, like a .28, actually needs more time to accelerate to the end of the barrel, so needs more air volume to maintain compression all the way to the end. This also creates minor joule creep.
So if you're shooting 1.48j on a .20, you'll want to see something like 1.53j+ with a .28. This means you're getting the most efficient use of your barrel.

If you upgrade your barrel to be too long for your cylinder, you'll see a decrease in muzzle energy as well as accuracy. Depending how long you upgrade to, it might not shoot at all.
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