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Old November 20th, 2014, 19:05   #6
FirestormX's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
A lot of the necessary stuff has been said.
I'll just toss in my two cents, and say that KJWs are rarely brought up as a good mid-range gun, but they are very good and reliable out of the box, and very simple to work with. On top of that, parts are easy to get and dirt cheap from KJW directly.

With that said, WE is decent, and everyone has one. Parts are prolific. Catastrophic failures seem to occur (relatively) frequently, but replacement parts are all you need.

If you're looking to dip into the GBBR waters, WE isn't a bad place to start. They're cheap, and usually in stock. If you don't have enough mags at the start, your buddy probably has spares. There's lots of aftermarket stuff. Though for the most part, you only need to install an NPAS out the box.

If you want to drop a bit of money, and have a gun that's good to go (just add an oring or two to the valve to drop the velocity), that'll just keep on going, I suggest a KJW. There's not many others out there with KJWs, though, so you'll pretty much be on your own for mags and spare bolts from your teammates.

It's hard to go wrong with either brand, but my suggestion is for the KJW.
...Or VT if you've made this post because you actually want to drop $2k on a gun and mags.
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