give a KJ works a try, i have one and it is amazing, the last game i played, i counted 7 rifles that was KJ works including mines
one thing broke on it, and its the hop up lever, but i am able to land my shots on target in 20 meters, tested in semi and full auto, only had 20 meters to work with, for i was doing it in my backyard
however, to order new parts is easy and painless, so i have been lead to believe
and there is a huge thread on the KJ works m4 by baker_jeff
greatest asset is that it can use AEG parts, with minor modding to work, the receiver thread is spec'd to TM and WA, milspec and AEG collapsing stocks fits on the buffer tube
the newer STANAG magazines has the weight of a fully load real steel magazines
Love and Tolerance
Coffee, what purpose does these serve?
А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
За Родину!