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Old August 30th, 2015, 13:35   #9
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Saskatchewan
Originally Posted by danhay View Post
Have you considered a belt and shoulder harness (suspenders) setup? A padded battle belt will accommodate any size inner belt which gives you more options now and in the future if you change size and shape. Such a rig would not have the heat issues that a plate carrier or chest rig would.

I've owned a HSGI Wasatch and was very happy with it. It is basically a plate carrier and while I don't recall how long the straps were it could certainly be made to accommodate a larger frame with a little extra webbing and a few spare tri-glides or buckles. There are a number of knock-off Wasatch rigs available but I would steer clear of those. If you can't find a genuine HSGI rig then move on and consider something else.

Generally speaking it is wise to buy 'real' gear as it will not self destruct after one or two uses like much of the airsoft knock-off tactical gear out there. The real gear is much more costly but it is built to last which means you won't need to replace it until you choose to. In airsoft it is very true that it costs a lot of money to be cheap.
Yes this was another consideration I had since I kinda have an awkwardly long body. I'm just checking into the tasmanian tactical vest on the equipment exchange before I change gear direction as its in my price range
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