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Old April 24th, 2016, 19:56   #63
Splinter's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Kitchener, ON
I did 6 1/2 years in. Only time you really wore issed boots were parade and course. With the unit guys usually tend to wear what they like. I personally liked the magnums with side zipper in the field. Though they wore out prematurely they were ideal for quick boot change on a march or dryout after mucking around in a swap. Mint for QRF on larger ex also. The gortex are great to keep water out but they are also very warm and somewhat heavy. In sub temp the soles freeze like a hockey puck so any time you have a little ice present you feel like bambi lol.

Nothing bad to say about any set of issued combats all served their purpose and worked great, just what you prefer ultimately.

I have two loadouts CSOR I wear trail running shoes and current CF cadpat since I have wore though all my magnums and haven't snagged up a new pair I wear just the general use combat with that loadout
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