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Old October 6th, 2016, 11:21   #8
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
Originally Posted by ProDoyle View Post
Price was 349 or 369... I forget already. I want to compare it to an actual prop replica - if it is really close it may actually be cheaper to buy the airsoft gun instead of a prop
The AWC DL-44 exhibits feature of a New Hope 'hero' blaster and a Force Awakens (TFA) blaster. The original three films featured props based on real C96 Mausers while the TFA props were based on airsoft M712s (HFC and KWC were the base guns used for the production props).

In short, if you're not too picky the AWC offering is a reasonably close approximation of a TFA blaster. If you're curious about what makes a screen accurate DL-44 check out
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