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Old May 3rd, 2017, 19:06   #8
Datawraith's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Markham
Good choice OP; I'm super partial to Pencott patterns to the point that the guys I frag with have made it/me a bit of a meme. But they are superb patterns.

As an aside, you'll note that a lot of people are leaving Olive Drab behind and adopting Ranger Green instead as it's a better colour tone and is more versatile.

Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of CB as it does tend to pop a fair bit against lush vegetation or grass, so in my opinion, I'd go with Ranger Green gear (chest rig, plate carrier, pouches, etc) as my choice running on top of Pencott patterned BDUs. It's a nicely muted shade that pretty much blends in anywhere in Ontario.
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