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Old May 19th, 2017, 22:00   #3
FirestormX's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Most drop leg platforms will let you adjust the height, so that shouldn't be too big of a concern for you in your shopping. Most modern drop leg setups are relatively comfy, compared to where they were a decade ago, so you've got a lot of options. You should be looking more at the holster itself when looking at getting something new.

Do you already have a hip holster? Many manufacturers (Blackhawk, Safariland, GCode, etc) design their holsters with the ability to be unscrewed from a belt/waist attachment, and screw onto a drop leg platform. And pretty well all of the major manufacturers have drop leg mounts (or even dedicated drop leg holsters) with height adjustment options. So if you already own a holster, and have trained to draw from its retention system, then you should be fine with just picking up a drop leg platform from the same company. The platforms are usually only $60-$100; or you should have no problem finding a used one for cheaper.

I'll also state the obvious, and say that if you have a holster that cannot be moved to a drop leg mount, you should look for drop leg setups with holsters that have a retention system that matches your hip holster. If you train to draw from a SERPA on your hip, but get a Safariland drop leg, then you're going to have one more point of muscle memory to re-learn on your drop leg draw.

My personal experience is with Blackhawk's drop leg platform, and Safariland's OLD drop leg system, where the drop leg mount was integrated right into the holster. Both were pretty comfy, but I preferred Blackhawk's platform.
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