WE Mags low on gas, and not filling
After fixing my WE M4 with some new hopup, rubber and inner barrel, I'm having trouble with my mags. I should mention that I had other WE GBBRs before, and I think I know how to fill them cause I got 2-3 mags worth of bbs out of one gas fill.
I bought 4 new mags a while ago (about 4-5 month), and filled them with some silicone propane and left it stored away. I have tried them when they first arrived, and it shot fine. I don't have a lot of space so I only shot 3-5 shots per mag to see if they are good.
I took them to the field the other day (on 2 occasions), first time it was kinda cool, about 15-18 degree out and all my mags only fires 3-5 rounds and it will run out of gas. it doesn't matter how long I try to fill them, they won't fire more than 3-5 shot. (still weird, even my WE pistol mags can still fire 1 and a half mags before running out, it's not really cold outside)
second time to the field I got 3 mags shooting a bit more than half a mag before running out of gas. The 4th mag won't take any gas at all, it doesn't vent, nor make a sound, it just flat out don't fill at all. It was around 25 degrees outside.
What could be the problem? I don't hear any sound, and that mag just won't fill no matter what...