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Old March 25th, 2018, 22:10   #4
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Southern Ontario
Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
There's no alternatives for TM Hi-Capas for IPSC and a pistol primary IMO, these guns have unlimited potential and can be very expensive.

A TM Glock 17 for CQB/IPSC is a great alternative, but Hi-Capa IMO would do better.

I personally prefer the TM M&P9 and Glocks, I am not a big fan of Hi-Capas, (4.3 is ok).

If you're worried about cool down, etc, the TM plastic will give you the best performance OOTB, wouldn't worry about replacing stuff until things break - if you really need superior accuracy for IPSC, maple leaf bucking and an inner barrel will do the job... but if you're talking about Action Air, the targets are less than 10 feet away, even with the most pimped hi-capa, I see shooters missing targets.

- There are no CO2 mods like the DH one for pistols
- HPA ensures consistent shots for pistols
- Go to a store and hold the few pistols out with a mag in it to see how they feel
Does anyone make parts for the TM M&P other than UAC and Guarder? Considering UAC is closing up, I'm not aware of anyone else making internals (otherwise it would be a strong contender for myself as another pistol... I really like how M&P9s look).
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