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Old May 30th, 2019, 14:29   #8
Join Date: May 2019
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
to a certain extent, it really depends what fields you're playing on. In manitoba the fields were more jungle-like, the avg engagement distance with my VSR was about 50-75 feet. It's pretty rare to run into a circumstance where I would even need to shoot someone 300ft away in Mb, so the only advantage I had was that it was dead silent.
In Ab, I'd say most shots are 100-250ft at smaller fields, and usually 250-350 at the bigger ones.
Don't expect to be getting single shot kills at 350ft with a DMR, but you have the advantage of being able to follow up faster.
Bolt action rifles are more for pride than anything else. The added range is a bonus, but unless you have a good team working with you, (again, depending on the field) it's completely offset by not being able to do anything against people within 100ft.
350 feet is very rare with a bolt action also. 300 ft with accuracy is considered very good and 250 ft more common
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