Thread: TM VSR10 Gspec
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Old November 22nd, 2005, 19:46   #1
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TM VSR10 Gspec

problem, I know I should probably post in the doctor's corner, but it's divided into AEG/GBB, I'm just gonna post here, hopefully an admin can help out.

So here it is, is it a common problem for VSR10 Gspec to cock the gun, then the bb just roll out from the end of the barrel? is there some way i can fix it. because I just bought the gun and just tested it, and of 20 shots i took maybe 6-7 BBs rolled out... thats pretty high percentage, wouldn't want that in the field.
So is it just a common problem thats a simple fix? or did I buy from a seller that negated the fact his gun is a bit damaged?

thans for any help.
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