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Old January 11th, 2006, 19:29   #1
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A tale of 2 M-14's

This is a Story about two M14's. While both guns started off almost identical they both took different paths in there lifes.

One M14 was a retro and his hero's were in the vietnam war. He aspired to become like his Father. An Earlier m21.

The other was more modern and decided he wanted to become a bit more tactical. So he decided to shed his Heatshield grab a RAS and a paintjob.

Ok this story thing is lame.

Here is a rundown on the specs

Top m14 (XM-21)

Real wood stock
Systema silent piston head
Prometheus Hardpiston
Prometheus Tightbore barrel
Prometheus sintered bushings
Prometheus MSS 120 spring
Gaurder Bearing spring guide
Gaurder enhanced nozzle
Gaurder highflow cylinder head
Gaurder Hardened anti reversal latch.

Chronos about 435 fps.Still running stock gears and 8.4v and works great.

Lower M14 w/RAS

Prometheus Hardpiston
Prometheus piston Head
Systema sintered bushings
Prometheus MSS 110 spring
Gaurder Bearing spring guide
Gaurder enhanced nozzle
Gaurder highflow cylinder head

Chronos about 380fps

The wood stock gun project is pretty much complete other then probably tossing a set of torque up gears in.

The lower gun has a bit to go yet. Shorter barrel and different flashider is in the works for it.
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