Looks like you did a good job from what I could see on the pic, but one issue may arise:
What happens when you want to ditch the M203 because your in a sim and your sick of packing around a 10 pound gun + shells and it's 30 degrees outside and you've been walking for 8 hours. How easy is that launcher to remove, in the field with no tools and maybe limited time?
I've been there and done that and I'll tell you it's no fun. First item of significant weight to get dumped is a launcher that only has 30 feet of usable range anyway.
I didn't mean to poop on your thread here, just stating the obvious. If you have a gun with a rail system, get a launcher made for a rail. Saves lots of grief and they're usually the same money and just as readily available.
Age verifier Northern Alberta
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.
Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.
Never confuse freedom with democracy.