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Old March 18th, 2006, 17:08   #5
stev0__'s Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Cornwall, PEI
Originally Posted by Anduril
The stock handguard will only fit mini battery's, aka 8.4v 600mah. Any larger and you would need to make slight modifications in the handguard to make it fit. As p.phresh said, you can either get a larger handguard to accomodate larger batteries.

Personally I dislike the fat handguard look so I would suggest other handguards such as :

In the end, its all up to you; looks, price, comfort, future upgrades etc.

unfortunately, I believe you still need slight mods to fit in batteries for your aftermarket handguards, thats how I fit batteries in mine anyway

Just go look at and search up "g36" you will find everything you need about your future gun

actually you can put all the way up to 1100 mah mini 8.4v battery in the regular handguard and if you get the large handguard you can fit any 8.4v battery or you cut out the little piece that holds the battery in and you can fit a 9.6v 2000mah
StevO :duke: :snipe:
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