M4 Decision, Airsoft Team out of Las Vegas
Welp, here's the dealio, I'm out of vegas and the local airsoft shop was shut down and really no where to go other then paintball specific locations out here so I'm forced to look online all over the place for a new project and advice. I need a full set for my team before we start competitions this summer.
I'm trying to find a cheap solid metal M4 through Atlanta Airsoft. Have them do as many upgrades as I can get them to before they ship em out. Just trying to decide on the best base model due to the fact that I'm going to swap out most the internals anyways so the idea of spending $400 just to rip out it's guts and replace it with another $300 in internals... kinda stupid ($700)... I mean, you pay for the reliability and internals and a reliable 320+/- fps but if that's going to be swapped for a crapload of new internals what's the point, you might as well buy a 280 SRC SR4 and swap in $300 in internals ($500) and end up with basically the same end result. The details of the project are below:
Model: A set of 6 AEG M4 Carbine Models, Crane Stocks (Bigger Bat)
Goals: 4 Models in which 400 fps is ideal with a CQB loadout. 2 Models with SPR Conversions (longer barels, scopes)
The idea is to get 6 Heavily modified metal bodied for less then $500, any less then $400 is ideal as I will be buying 6 of them so even a $1 less is going to be a $1 x 6 and save me a lot in the long run. Keep in mind their stock reliabilty isn't a factor as they will be heavily modified and never used in their stock form. Also I'm getting tired of playing Dr. Fix it all out in the feild. Anyways, any opinions on a base to start the project on please help, I need to buy a set of 6 within the next week or so.