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Old April 29th, 2006, 02:08   #34
freeman's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Vancouver

Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
I have a ICS AK74M and i recently brought some STAR Ak74 160rd micaps, and it seems like its having a problem loading the BB's. IM suspecting the STAR magazines because the 2 hicaps that came with the gun works fine. Also, the feed well on the magazine seems to be much longer then the feed well on the gun (meaning the feeding tube on the gun isn't pushing on the nub on the mag)

I have both the plum and the Bakelite for the STAR Ak74 micaps, and i was wondering if any one else has the same problem.

And can some one tell me a good brand + type of magazine that feeds and fits well on the ICS AK74M (eg. G&P Ak74 70RND magazine ... etc)

I just got my ICS ak74m(turbo 3000) today,the 2 hicaps that came with the gun having problems loading BB's.It only feed bbs if I pull the mag backwards a little bit.If i let it go,it won't feed bbs at all...I have to use one hand to hold the mag to make it work.That is weird. :cry:
The gun is brand new,and it doesn't work properly out of the box.
Anyone got this problem?How could i fix it?
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