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Old May 2nd, 2006, 21:03   #76
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Originally Posted by LewisQc
Mine got in yesterday. No creak or wobble on most parts, yet the upper receiver and front handle may rattle a little when the gun is hardly swung around. Very heavy, wouldn't use it one-handed!

Got STAR Ak-47 mags and the two ICS hicap. The star mags works flawlessly with a tight fit. The ICS hicaps are a little tricky: they seem to not always seal on the nozzle in the magwell so the bb don't always feed properly. I don't know if I just got a finicky mag as the other one fed well when pushed tight and held in the magwell (the fitting is not as tight as with the star mags and it seems to me that the hicap is kind of "falling down" little as if the mag release system didn't held it right).

The hop-up is idiot-proof easy to adjust as well as very sensitive. I think I'll be able to figure some 2 or 3 point sling as you got a ring on the stock and a smaller one on the front handle just before the outer barrel.

I also bought the ICS scope mount. Easy to install as one-two-three as the mount base is already riveted to the frame. The sights were easily adjustable without using excessive strenght ( the tool worked well ). A negative point is that the plastic parts have a fragile finish: it is very easy to scratch the stock or handle. The mat finish seems less durable than my TM famas one. At first the gun looks wery hermetic, without major way in for rubble and dust, but remember that scrap can come in under the upper receiver when you take the fire selector down to semi or auto.

I used Excel and ICS bb's without any problem. I didn't chronoed it, but had at least 60 feet (I don't judge that well) of effective range on a rainy slightly windy day.

I'll be working on a wood kit fot it this summer... giving it a AK-47 look...
1.May i ask you that where you got your ICS scope mount?

2.My two hicaps got the same feeding problem you mentioned.Both of them only feed 1 or 2 bbs,and they stop feeding unless i hold the magazine to the magwell by my hand.The mag release system didn't held the magazine right(not tight enough).Since i can't always use one hand to hold the magazine when i am shooting.The gun is practically unusable out of the box due to the feeding problem.
I sent the gun back for a new one(hopefull the new one doesn't have the same problem.)

3.Everything is very solid in this gun except the stock.
The stock is made of thin plastic, it is kinda of fragile.
I don't have a TM AK,so i can't compare them.
My TM M14 full stock is much much more stronger compared to this one.
I plan to replace the stock sometimes.any recommendation?

4.I use KSC 0.20g and 0.25g BBs,they are all high quality products.
I also heared that Systema 0.20g 6mm Premium BBs are pretty good,and I will give them a try later.
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