Thread: M16 Motor Whine
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 02:38   #1
Fly 9
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M16 Motor Whine

I bought my m16 about 3-4 years ago third hand. The person that sold it to me had not used it, but the person that sold it to him had, and it had also been upgraded. As far as I can tell it was just the motor, an EG1000 (I think, I know that sounds bad, but it's been so long since I've actually taken it apart, let alone been home and used it), at least that's what I was told.
Anyway, to the point, it whines like crazy before firing. I know it's relatively normal to get a small 'weeeoo' before each shot, but this is going a bit far. I've tried the screw but can't seem to get rid of it. Oh and I run it with a 9.6v battery.
I'm thinking of upgrading it for sniper purposes so I'd like it to be relatively quiet. Anyone have any other ideas?
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