Anyone seen this manufacturer before? Anyone have/used this holster? Any feedback?
CAL .45 Drop Leg Holster at eHobby Asia
It would be for a KSC G19. Construction looks fairly solid from the sole 2 pictures, and as a bonus I think the bottom of the holster is sewn shut as well (can't stand open holsters).
The description from the site:
# Tactical Dropleg Holster for Handgun, Pistol & Revolver
# Large holster suit for large pistol frame
# Design for pistol with or without Flashlight/Laser Attached
# e.g. Glock 17 + Surefire X200
Beretta M9 + Insight M3
# TWO Spare Magazine Pouches
# ONE Flashlight or Baton Pouch
# All Durable Nylon Constructed
# Velrco Strap and Buckle Snap make this holster fully adjustable to fix most pistol size
# Pistol Model Suitable for this Holster
Also, if anyone just wants to recommend a good drop-leg holster that would fit a G19 for around or under $50, these are my stipulations:
- Do not need any extra pouches on the holster.
- Must be closed or sewn shut at the bottom of the holster (no dirt in my barrel, kthx)
- Must have a solid, solid method of keeping the gun in place
- A design which does not press the mag release would be nice, too
Thanks to anyone who offers some suggestions.