Glad to see you already know you importing stuff.
I am not sure how familiar you are with AEGs so I thought I should mention that upgraded, custom, finely tuned guns or what ever you want to call them. They can be rather prone to problems and breakdown. I would recommend getting a stock gun. They won't need any adjustments out of the box and should be able to give you a lot of life with only basic maintenance.
Since it is probably the metal body and the higher FPS you are after Classic Army would be a good brand to go with. They make some very nice M16 and M16 variants with metal bodies and an average FPS of 300, all stock. So you may want to consider that as an option.
If you want a chance to learn more about AEGs go with WGC custom M16vn. It will give you better performance out of the box and save you money over upgrading a stock gun. It will probably need some adjustments or repairs through out its life, but there is no better way to learn then by actually doing it. Though be prepared to accept some possible frustrations.
Hope that helps you a bit and that what ever you decide to go with works out well for you.