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Old December 21st, 2006, 17:03   #22
AK Guru
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Vaughan, Ontario (near Toronto)
The 74 uses a stamped receiver instead of a milled one. The most noticable part of it is the small dimple above the magazine well instead of a big rectangle like on the most common 47s.

The top is stamped, the bottom is milled. Look above where the magazine inserts.

The 74 has an excellent muzzlebreak/flashider, which you already have.

Also has a ribbed cover instead of a smooth one, which you also already have.

You need a different curvature on your magazines, 5.45mm ones:

Note how less curved that magazine is compared to your 7.62mm style ones.

Since you have tactical furniture, no need to compare that, neither the 47 or 74 have it, but it looks great for a tactical AK, 47 or 74.

The front end gas block also has some small differences, but Im not going to go into that.

I think that sums up the main points.

EDIT: Damn Vivisector beat me to it, more or less.
Attack beaver - you forgot the most important part - the different receiver.
Plus - your pics dont work
Plus - I beat you towards the 5.45 instead of the 5.56
Plus - Im an ass


Last edited by ancorp; December 21st, 2006 at 17:06..
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