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Old January 9th, 2007, 16:57   #25
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Markham, Toronto
Originally Posted by moderatesniper View Post
I'll have to wait and see what happens then

EDIT: The website seems to have some fair prices, is anyone thinking of dealing with them?
Hey, I gotta admit the prices are fairly decent. But this looks like some low budget company that is selling used airsoft as "new."
If they're legit I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them.

Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
Actually, if you read reviews of the newer (after their split from WELL) CYMA guns (starting with the MP5 and continuing with newer guns) they are decent quality - not at the TM or *new* CA level for quality control, but a close equivalent to G&G or G&P.

There's a number of threads on FILAirsoft about the CYMA AK's that people are running Guarder FTK's with M140 springs in CYMA mechboxes.....there are a bunch of videos from Hong Kong on YouTube, too.

Another line of Chinese clones worth looking at is Jin Gong. They are coming out with a ton of new guns that are apparently even better than CYMA and are being touted as the same quality as TM at half the price.

'Course, I'll believe that when I see it....

Amen to that. In HongKong, man of the younger ones who play airsoft in HK use pimped Cyma guns. I don't know hows the reliability but as for quality, the internals are pretty up to par. These guys are tricked in to lower costs.

The older airsofters and more experienced ones in Hongkong buy the Tokyo Marui stuff. And of course, it is more expensive than those Cyma airsoft guns. Your expecting to pay double when you go for a TM over a cyma.

Last edited by Identity; January 9th, 2007 at 17:01..
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