A note on the Guarder P90 mag pouch
I recently grabbed one from ASCA, It is of great quality. but have yet to try it in game. will tomorrow
Just a heads up though. When i opened mine, it came with no instructions... i realize its just a mag pouch, but i soon realized that the 2 mag pouches are WAY to small for the P90. And started thinking i received the wrong pouch
I screwed around with it for 30 mins and finally found that the pouch covers are velcro'd into the back of the pouches and can be extended. (from the factory they are inserted all the way.
Its a bit tricky getting the covers out as there is about 2.5" of velco on both sides to contend with. I found a pencil worked quite well at prying it loose.
Also, the leg straps are very long. My thighs arnt all that wide, mind you (i weight 150) but i'd bet there is enough excess strap on mine to make a second pouch. So i rolled the excess up and used some velco i had kicking around to secure it.
All it all, it looks like a great pouch, and it made of thick material. The straps even have stripes of rubber down the length of them to keep them from slipping back through the buckle.
Just wish it mentioned that the mag pouch could be extended, i was about to start hacking at it to make them longer lol
TM P90 TR Stock
Last edited by Corey Darling; January 13th, 2007 at 22:37..