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Old March 14th, 2007, 17:24   #5
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Quebec Beauce St-George
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1st chek the fire selector see if the screw is tight before winter you might not have cheked that or noticed someting wrong there.

2dn if you take out the lower gearbox by taking off the grip and removing the pin that hold it ,chek the small spring over the selector plate, while there chek if there nothing like rust or someting that could prevent from contact.

If noting wrong there you might have to open the gearbox see if the safety cover is not broken witch is part Ma-54 from ics.

Im not gun doctor but iv repaired 3 ics m4 so far sucessfully ;P

P.S. sorry for my poor english

Age verifier for Beauce region


Last edited by Mentosice; March 14th, 2007 at 17:30..
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