Just got my SRC M4A1....
-tip was painted orange, laquer thinner and a propane torch couldn't remove the paint, had to scratch it up with a dremel
-bolt jammed, dust cover didn't open, forced it a LITTLE (barely any more than normal force) and the tab that holds the dust cover closed snapped right off. Dust cover doesn't stay closed anymore, no big deal since its not a rare part or anything and works find with it open.
-slither stock is really wobbly, going to stick some 100mph tape on it to tighten it
-I think it may be shooting harder than advertised. It said 280fps on the site but it can easily go clear through both sides of a pop can so I'm thinking its more in the low 300's
-the two hicaps it came with work in my CA G36 with private parts armalite magwell conversion and my STAR L85. My STAR mags and CA mags (highs and lows for both) work fine in the SRC M4A1
-metal body seems to be really well done. It doesn't noticeably weigh less than my CA M15A4, no cracks, mold lines, flash, or air bubbles in it or the plastic parts.
-Had to tighten the bolts on the barrel same as everyone else to get rid of the barrel wobble but now its all solid.
Overall I'm quite happy with the quality and with buyairsoft.ca's service again. I've only shot about 100 rounds through it but it'll be used in a game this Saturday for its trial by fire