Thread: Echo 1
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Old July 11th, 2007, 13:39   #10
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Location: Ottawa, ON | St. John's, NL
Originally Posted by safx View Post
A little info on that rebrander—
Originally Posted by wiki
ECHO 1 USA is an American airsoft company that builds high-end guns for a low price.


Echo 1 AEGs buy their guns from JG, but repackage, rebrand, and add a warranty to them. Though most of the guns are rebranded from JG, their AK47 series are from CYMA, and their new SOCOM 16 series are rebranded from KART.
That information contradicts itself. How can they be an American company that "builds" in the US, yet they're simply rebranded Chinese JG/CYMA/KART items?

So they get the Chinese guns, rebrand them in the US, and call them American built?

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