Thread: Echo 1
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Old July 11th, 2007, 22:54   #15
Join Date: Jul 2007
Can I ask one question?

Why can I bring my parents to Wal-Mart, Canadian Tire, or any other store, and buy an airsoft gun, or even a pellet gun that can actually do some serious damage, and be respected by those who I am dealing with, yet when I simply ask if it is possible to get a certain kind, and even follow your advice on how to get one, you guys blow up in my face about how I am somehow being an anchor on your hot air balloon?

Some "community" this is.

BTW for future referance a "Contract" is law yargon for the act of buying, selling, or trading anything. It is an agreement between two parties to the transaction of benefits (things).

Though I may be close to the thin ice, I don't see how this is such a problem as I (technically my parents through the contract with Canadian Tire) already own 3 airsoft guns and 1 pellet rifle.
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