Thread: Echo 1
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Old July 12th, 2007, 02:06   #18
Skruface's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2002
Originally Posted by wolvesgoalie View Post
Some "community" this is.

BTW for future referance a "Contract" is law yargon for the act of buying, selling, or trading anything. It is an agreement between two parties to the transaction of benefits (things).
You always have the option to leave quietly if you're not happy with our self-regulation. Nobody is forcing you to be here. If you don't like it, the door's over there - don't let it hit your ass on the way out.

Your second option is to man up, admit that you're talking shit and you don't know the law and how it applies to you with regards to airsoft guns (and yes, there are people here who are actual lawyers who can tell you, not just spew bullshit) and do things the way the rest of the community does. This ensures goodwill between yourself (the outsider) and the people who you would like answers from and would, in the future when you're mature enough, be hosting the games you would probably enjoy attending (the community - that's us).

The third option is to continue to ignore the advice you're given, piss off the community, get yourself ostracized within the community, and sit at home posing and looking at your guns in the mirror, 'cause nobody is gonna let you play in their organized games if you're arrogant, self-centered, deceitful, egotistical fuckwit with a few dollars and an attitude who thinks this community owes them something.

Originally Posted by wolvesgoalie View Post
Though I may be close to the thin ice, I don't see how this is such a problem as I (technically my parents through the contract with Canadian Tire) already own 3 airsoft guns and 1 pellet rifle.
Firstly, let me preface this by saying I'm old enough to be your dad. I own a real-steel AR15. Sure, I could hand it to my just-turned-18-year-old son and say "have fun, kid" and go back to renovating my basement. That doesn't make it ethically, morally, or legally acceptable. Just because you've done something already (or your parent's don't know something) doesn't make it right, or legal.

By allowing you (a child) to play around with an air rifle or airsoft gun unsupervised, your parents are breaking the law in just about every municipality in Canada.


Full stop.

End of sentence.

There's no other way to say it, son. They are breaking the law - whether you like the law, or whether they've broken it unwittingly in the past is irrelevant. When you break the laws, you put the hobby that the rest of us enjoy in jeapordy.

Seriously, son. Give your head a shake. You come into OUR house, demand WE answer your questions, tell us OUR rules are stupid, and get pissed off at us because WE try and steer you in the right direction and get frustrated when you won't listen?

Is there any wonder why people are getting so hostile towards you? You bring it on yourself whenever you open your mouth before you engage your brain....

Respect here is earned through both deeds and words, not post count. So far, you haven't earned squat, so the community owes you nothing.

Consider this to be an opportunity to change your way of thinking. There are people leaving doors open to you here, but you're so intent on doing things your own way that you're closing them just as quickly...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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