The thing is, we've got a hard time of getting airsoft guns into Canada, so we largely stick to reputable brands like Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, so forth. We have very little experience with most of the really cheapy brands you can find in the States.
General rules of thumb, though:
- if the manufacturer of the gun is not clearly and prominently indicated, it's most likely because the store is trying to prey on your ignorance by selling you garbage
- you should avoid things less than $100USD, since you get what you paid for
- anything that base its appearance on automatic weapons but requires you to cock the spring with each shot is garbage
- if a gun comes with too many accessories (especially optics), the company is trying to distract you from how much their gun sucks by throwing useless crappy plastic accessories at you
- if they're highlighting how fast the gun shoots with 0.12g BBs, it most likely because the gun sucks, since the minimal practical BB weight is 0.20g
"The Bird of Hermes is My Name, Eating My Wings to Make Me Tame."