been a member of the forum awhile now, and i just turned 18 a few months ago so now i'm looking to buy a gun. msged one of the reps for age verification already and i'm just waiting for a reply. I'm looking to buy a tokyo marui glock 18c aep, but i'm wondering if there are a lot of upgrades for it and if they can reach anything close to 300fps, i googled it and found a few i want to know if its easy to get these upgrade parts in canada. i'm looking to order one from A&A are they any good? i also want to know whats a good and safe paying method because i have never gotten anything off the internet before. thank you and i have my flameshield up.
ps: i have had an ebb that a friend brought back before and i thought it was an aep at first and it broke 6 months later.