good retailer for shotguns
hey, im trying to start playing and practicing as soon as possible, but dont wanna buy a canadian tired gun... i have looked around for a spring shotgun, as is my preference for airsoft, but i cant find any reasonable prices for a shotgun, im looking for something that looks similar to a UTG 870 but has to be in metal, i checked 007 airsoft and they carry ones that look like what i want, but it doesnt state whether its metal or not, and i would rather not pay 300-400 plus S&H for a plastic springer shotgun, im sure you can relate... so does anybody know a canadian retailer which supplies something like what ive stated?
-thank you
PS: sorry if some of this dont make sense, im talking to this girl and im in a hurry to get back to her :P
"let us not be judged for the actions we take, but for the reasons we take them"