Originally Posted by Kokanee
Ref the unicorn; I've seen the unicorn eotech 552 replica and the QC on it was complete bullocks - so I don't have alot of faith in their ability to build a complete AEG that is reliable at this time.
I do believe I read on one of the "bargain" HK-based sights (rsov, gunner's, or RMW) that the Unicorn model was in fact a body kit, and that the "complete guns" were assembled in the shops using internal parts from Chinese clones.
Ah, here it is:
and confirmation from a second source:
The only thing that really bugs me is that with AKS74U models or kits now available from VFC, CYMA, Boyi, Inokatosu, Guarder and Unicorn, it's become the M4 of non-armalite weapons - everyone and their dog will have what was once a pretty unique piece.