Thread: Systema PTW
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Old September 17th, 2007, 03:37   #92
SBranson23's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Victoria,B.C.
New Faces of my PTW

Well I've been messing around with different looks and set-ups and with the compatibilty of PTWs with RS parts, I have added a second upper.

Here's my latest incarnations.

First is the CAR15/C8 cross breed.

RS flash hider (modified to fit over M4 barrel)
RS front sight
RS gas tube
RS CAR handguards
RS delta ring/ barrel nut
RS A1 upper with shell deflector (C8) and teardrop forward assist (CAR15)
RS LMT charging handle
Systema lower and stock tube
RS Aluminum CAR stock and nut
RS VN mag converted (35-38 rnds)
Vietnam era rifle sling

I have a flat style slip ring on the way to replace the flared delta ring.
I also have an A1 grip that I will modify to fit.

So really I'm going for the CAR15 look but my lower is engraved with C8 markings and the A1 upper is a C8 upper due to the shell deflector:

I have another A1 upper that doesn't have the shell deflector but I am hesitant to use it for my PTW. We'll see.

My other set-up for a more modern look:

RS vortex flashhider (not shown yet)
RS KAC vertical front grip
Surefire G2 flashlight with pressure switch
RS Aimpoint M2
RS B&T aimpoint mount
same lower and stock assembly
Built on the Systema upper.
Madbull GemTech Halo silencer
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