Originally Posted by mcguyver
Those who see one but don't want one, quite frankly have a screw loose.
Indeed... the PTW is everything that everyone is trying to get in their guns..
excellent performance, not just " realistic" feel and handling..but "real" feel and handling..
and unmatched durability... all in one "out of the box" package..
Really what more could you ask for?
I doubt you will see an AK out of them... there are lots of AKs in the market that meet most of those requirements..
and I doubt you will see a pistol out of them.. again already lots of pistols that meet that criteria.
I really do hope that we see an MP5...It makes sense .. seeing as they are trying to break into the same market that Simunitions is currently dominating..
I agree that there are other subcalibre machine guns that offer better, more stable performance than the MP5 on the market now... but few that enjoy as wide a distribution. I think that the MP5 will still dominate that niche for a few years yet.