Originally Posted by jerryliang2k
I'm about to get a PTW but I'm gonna miss tinkering around inside my gearbox  .
And why are the Systema mags so heavy? Do they put weights in them or are they made of really really dense/solid metal?
And with respect to accessories. Whats the difference between Ranger Plates and Magpuls? They're both just there to make fishing mags from your pocket a little easier no? Do Ranger Plates require modification to install?
Systema uses a real mag shell. They make a cut at the top on each side to accomodate their feed system, as well as drill 2 holes completely through the shell to accomodate the pins that retain the guts. Then, they use very solid plastic with very little wasted area.
You will have to pry up the baseplate retainers and remove the baseplate in order to install ranger plates. Real Magpul plates made for real mags (not airsoft mags) are the ones you'd want.