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Old November 30th, 2007, 17:51   #30
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by Gren View Post
Does it really matter what gun someone has or how much it cost. Isn't really about the sport and how that person plays and respects others. Alot of threads on the cheaper guns sound like to me, "if you buy a cheat gun we won't let you play with us". More power to anyone wanting to get into sport and making it a better game for everyone.

I think you're missing the point: it's NOT about the price of the gun, but the quality of the gun. If there was a good AEG for $150, I'd be the first in line to get it. But what you've got here is people thinking they're getting a good deal because something is inexpensive and claims to be a clone of a higher end product, when in fact it's much lower quality.

There's another thread somewhere (in gun doc section, I think) about a fellow who picked up a TM MP7 clone and put in some upgrades. While the design itself may have been a clone, the quality of the components wasn't, and the mechbox broke.

Another example is a BOYI/D-Boys metal body I picked up on the cheap. Given the low price, I was curious how it'd compare to my G&P bodies, and I wanted something cheap for a project. Long story short, I'm still dremelling the hell out of it to get it up to snuff; not that it's horrible quality, but it had all sorts of mould lines and crooked edges and sizings that weren't to spec, etc. In short, really low quality standards. It's been an experience, but if I had to do it again I'd pay the extra $100 to get a G&P.

This is what experienced players are attempting to convey, yet people out to get in to the sport on the cheap are dismissing this as some sort of elitism. The truth is even a lot of the higher end guns have some problems, notably some mechbox issues in CA and G&P guns. Nonetheless, IMO G&P puts out some of the nicest quality guns right now, and swapping a tappet plate and selector switch is a lot cheaper than putting a whole new mechbox.

If the low end guns were priced accordingly (sub $200) it'd be a different story. But the way pricing is on the Canadian market, paying $300-400 for these guns just isn't worth it. It's your money, and you're free to spend it any way you want, of course. But when you're sitting on the sidelines with a broken gun, don't say no one tried to warn you.
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