Thread: TM Type 89
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Old January 29th, 2008, 20:45   #7
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Montreal, QC
The inside of the mechbox looks like normal V2/V3 parts, unless the size of the cylinder is slightly different (like on a V1). Spring guide looks like a V2. The switch assembly is different, though. Obviously different selector plate, no safety arm, etc.

I also noticed, in the last pic of the mechbox, the cutout for the cylinder has two holes at the front corners, where cracking usually occurs. Dunno how much it ends up actually helping for upgrades/cold weather use, though ("paging Dr. MadMax...")

I'm curious about the burst mechanism, seeing how it's mechanical -- I've only ever seen the old SIG55x electronic ones which were failure-prone and upgrade unfriendly, and using MOSFETs for one of my project guns, currently.

If you plan on doing serious upgrading, or playing in the deep freeze, I dunno how good an idea it is going with a gun with an unusual mechbox; in the end, your best bet for that is always going to be a quality reinforced mechbox -- which may not materialize for V8s.
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