I also own the Tac. Force M11 (Great gun) If those green mags will fit in the gun then they should work the same as the co2 mags that come with the gun. The Tac. Force gun uses the Maruzen blowback system and the Co2 mags that they come with are regulated (stock co2 is like 800 psi). They may be regulated down to 110-120psi which is what green/propane is.
I wouldnt hesitate on trying it out if I were you (if your sure that they will fit). Its kind of the same concept as the WE's (Hi-Capa's) that can either use green or the co2 mags. Your fps,rof and recoil will all go down slightly but not enough to not make it worth while in the long run. Plus the mags that come with the Tac Force are hideous.
And if this green mag will work in the M11 then it will also work in the Crosman Micro Uzi ('cause the Crosman and Tac. Force mags are identical) I own both guns, so I know.
I might do this myself someday....