Originally Posted by Endymion
james, what you describe seems to be the common rain issue - something to do with the selector. Mind you at Wolfpack Primary over May 2-4 there were several of us out in the rain (it was heavier than a drizzle but could only be described as "light") in the open with no tree cover for a good couple of hours before the game even started.
yeah i figured it was, I just find it odd to hear about so many water issues cause besides that 1 day I described above I have nor anyone on our team (6 ptws in total I think) had any issues with water and we played in atleast 5 very heavy rain days this past winter not to mention the regular rain/fog we get here in Victoria every winter.
Although thinking about it a bit, the day my gun had the issue, i did have my gun resting up against a car for about an hour before we started to play so maybe some water made its way in there then. Either way, I am not concerned about it, I dried the gun out and everything is good.
And in terms of SCK vs factory built. I bought an SCK and I had issues and I was one of the many pms Mcguyver got. I wouldn't go SCK again, it ended up costing me more to put it together in the end then if I just bought the built unit.