Here is the only line We will do here...
As you know we ask for 20 business days before shipping... stock or not!!! You also know... If you don't have your order ship in that delay... you could ask for a refund and we will contact you when it will be ready to ship!!! Please If there is one person who did not get is order... or is refund.... please write it here!!!
On more than 200 orders we have made 3 refunds and 1 of them have been call back to ship is product... They others was back order!
1st call... 05-04-2008
date arrive... not ship, but arrive... 05-12-2008
AEG was not broke like it said!!! THIS AEG is in perfect condition!!
You all know and it wrote every where... we do test all china made!!
YES there was an error on the model... We offer to that customer 2 choices!
1. keep it and we will give him a refund
2. or ship it back at our charge and we will send you the right one
after few yes no yes no, this customer decide to change it! By his own decision he ship it back xpresspost! Normally regular post will cost less than 20$! Not 50$ like we have refund him!
shipping of the new AEG was done around 29 may, that place us before the 20 business days we ask!! AND all with this adventure!
YES I DO make grammatical error... AND I will gain!!!
BUT Don’t tell me we have a bad service!! PLEASE!!
We are here to help this community to grow and help members to have good product at a good price!!
Like I ask you via PM PLEASE REFUSE YOUR PACKAGE!!! We will made a full refund…
Sorry no more line on this… we have more good thing to do!
ALPHA unit, because there is no one else for that job!